The editors of Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies are happy to announce the publication of a new Special Issue on:
‘Global Cultures of Antifascism, 1921-2020’
Table of contents:
- Editorial Introduction: The Global Cultures of Antifascism, 1921–2020
Authors: Mattie Fitch, Michael Ortiz, and Nick Underwood
Pages: 1–7
- Fighting Fascism with ‘Verbal Bullets’: Kaji Wataru and the Antifascist Struggle in Wartime East Asia
Author: Edwin Michielsen
Pages: 9–33
- Culture is Inseparable From the Struggle Against Reaction’: Forging an Australian Jewish Antifascist Culture in the 1940s
Author: Max Kaiser
Pages: 34–55
- Music Subculture versus Class Revolutionaries: Czech Antifascism in the Postsocialist Era
Author: Ondřej Daniel
Pages: 56–74
- L’antisémitisme est l’auxiliaire obligatoire du fascisme’: Jewish Communists, Antifascism and Antisemitism in France, 1944-1960s
Author: Zoé Grumberg
Pages: 75–97
- Pluralism at the Twilight of Franco’s Spain: Antifascist and Intersectional Practice
Author: Louie Dean Valencia-García
Pages: 98–120
- ‘Somehow Getting Their Own Back on Hitler’: British Antifascism and the Holocaust, 1960–1967
Author: Joshua Cohen
Pages: 121–145
- Looking for a Dream, Surviving a Time of Nightmares: Eric Hobsbawm, Marxism Today and the Resignification of Antifascism During Thatcher’s Time
Author: Iker Itoiz Ciáurriz
Pages: 146–166
- Antifascism in the Neighborhood: Daily Life, Political Culture, and Gender Politics in the German Communist Antifascist Movement, 1930–1933
Author: Sara Ann Sewell
Pages: 167–194
- Antifascist Athletes? A Reappraisal of the 1936 Berlin Olympics
Author: Keith Rathbone
Pages: 195–220
- Exile Dreams: Antifascist Jews, Antisemitism and the ‘Other Germany’
Author: Anna Koch
Pages: 221–243
- Tales of Antifascism: International Survivors’ Organizations during the Cold War
Author: Maximilian Becker
Pages: 244–271
- ‘The Antifascist Kick’: A Signifying Cultural Practice in the History of Transnational Antifascism?
Author: Victor Lundberg
Pages: 272–287
Past issues:
Fascist and National Socialist Antiquities and Materialities from the Interwar Era to the Present, ed. by Day Helen Roche, Flaminia Bartolini and Timothy J. Schmalz
(Vol. 8, Issue 2, Dec. 2019)
By: Helen Roche, Flaminia Bartolini and Timothy J. Schmalz
Pages: 121–126
By: Helen Roche
By: Nicolò Bettegazzi, Han Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse
Pages: 153–178
Fascism, National Socialism, and the 1939 New York World’s Fair
By: James J. Fortuna
Pages: 179–218
‘Stones do not Speak for Themselves’: Disentangling Berlin’s Palimpsest
By: Clare Copley
Pages: 219–249
By: Samuel Agbamu
Pages: 250–274
By: Paul Jackson
Pages: 275–306
Pages: 307–330
Architectural Projections of a ‘New Order’ in Interwar Dictatorships
(Vol. 7/2018)
Table of Contents:
Roger Griffin and Rita Almeida de Carvalho: “Editorial Introduction: Architectural Projections of a ‘New Order’ in Interwar Dictatorships,” pp.: 1–7
Roger Griffin: “Building the Visible Immortality of the Nation: The Centrality of ‘Rooted Modernism’ to the Third Reich’s Architectural New Order,” pp.: 9–44
Aristotle Kallis: “Futures Made Present: Architecture, Monument, and the Battle for the ‘Third Way’ in Fascist Italy,” pp.: 45–79
Anahi Ballent: “Faces of Modernity in the Architecture of the Peronist State, 1943–1955,” pp.: 80–108
Yannick Lengkeek: “Staged Glory: The Impact of Fascism on ‘Cooperative’ Nationalist Circles in Late Colonial Indonesia, 1935–1942,” pp.: 109–131
War Veterans and Fascism in Interwar Europe
(Vol. 6/2017)
Table of Contents:
Editorial Introduction: War Veterans and Fascism
Wim van Meurs, Kristian Mennen
pages 1 - 11
Kristian Mennen.
pages 13 - 41
John Paul Newman.
pages 42 - 74
Constantin Iordachi and Blasco Sciarrino.
pages 75 - 117
Book reviews:
Aristotle Kallis.
pages 119 - 121
Nicoletta I. Fotinos.
pages 122 - 125, 2017
Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies | Herengracht 380, 1016 CJ, Amsterdam (NL) | Telephone +31 (0)20 5233 873 | E-mail fascismjournal@niod.knaw.nl
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